Mechatronic Engineering Department offers a B. Eng degree programme of five years (five academic sessions) for UTME students that includes practical and theoretical courses. The students first take general courses in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and General Studies; as well as General Engineering courses. All these prepare the students to undertake courses in Pneumatics, Hydraulics, Electromechanical systems, Automation and Robotics; CAD/CAM/CNC machines for design and product development; Control Engineering, Information Technology, Sensors and Actuators; Physical Systems Modeling and Software Engineering.

Stress Areas

Foundation Courses  0
Electromechanical Systems, Automation and Robotics1
Design and Product Development-CAD/CAM/CNC Machines2
Control Engineering3
Information Technology, Sensors and Actuators4
Physical Systems Modeling and Software Engineering5
Seminar and Special Problems8

First Year

First Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
 Major Courses 
EGR 101Introduction to Engineering 2
 Required Ancillary Courses 
CHM 101Basic Principles of Chemistry2
CHM 171Basic Practical Chemistry2
MTH 111Elementary Mathematics I3
MTH 121Elementary Mathematics II3
PHY 121Fundamentals of Physics I           3
PHY 195Practical Physics I2
General Studies Courses
GSP 101Study Skills and Basic Research Methods2
GSP 111The Use of Library and Study Skills2
                         Total Credit Hours21

Second Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
 Major Courses 
EGR 102Applied Mechanics         3
 Required Ancillary Courses 
MTH 122Elementary Mathematics III3
PHY 116General Physics for Physical Sciences II2
PHY 124 Fundamentals of Physics III         3
CHM 112Basic Principles of Physical Chemistry2
CHM 122Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry2
General Studies Courses
GSP 102Basic Grammar and Varieties of Writing2
                         Total Credit Hours17

Second Year

First Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
Major Courses
MCT 201Introduction to Mechatronic Engineering2
Required Ancillary Courses
CVE 211Strength of Materials      I2
CVE 213              Strength of Materials Laboratory1
EEE 211Basic Electrical Engineering3
EGR 201Material Science2
EGR 213Material Science Laboratory1
MEC 211Engineering Drawing I2
MEC 261Thermodynamics I2
MTH 207Advanced Mathematics VII         2
General Studies Courses
GSP 201Basic Concepts and Theories of Peace and Conflicts2
GSP 207Logic, Philosophy and Human Existence2
Total Credit Hours21

Second Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
Major Courses
MCT 202Basic Mechatronics Engineering Lab I1
Required Ancillary Courses
CVE 222Fluid Mechanics I2
CVE 224Fluid Mechanics Laboratory1
ECE 272Engineering Computer Programming3
ECE 282Engineering Computer Programming Laboratory1
EEE 252Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory/ Practice1
MEC 212Workshop Technology I2
MTH 206Advanced Mathematics VI2
MTH 208Advanced Mathematics VIII2
General Studies
GSP 202Issues in Peace and Conflict Resolution2
GSP 208Nigerian Peoples and Culture Studies2
Total Credit Hours19

Third Year

First Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
Major Courses
ECE 311Circuit Theory I3
ECE 331Electromagnetic Fields and Waves I2
EEE 361Electrical Machines I3
MCT 311Electronics I3
MCT 321Mechatronic Engineering Design3
MCT 351Computer Software Engineering I2
MEC 351Mechanics of Fluids2
Required Ancillary Courses
CED 341Introduction to Entrepreneurship2
STA 205Statistics for Physical Sciences and Engineering I2
Total Credit Hours22

Second Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
Major Courses
MCT 302Technical Report Writing1
MCT 326Manufacturing Technology2
MCT 332Signals and Systems2
MCT 342Computer Hardware Engineering2
MCT 344Measurement and Instrumentation2
MCT 362Virtual Laboratory2
MCT 364Fluidics Laboratory2
Required Ancillary Courses
CED 342Business Development and Management2
EGR 302Engineering Analysis       4
Total Credit Hours19

Fourth Year

First Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
Major Courses
MCT 401Heat and Mass Transfer3
MCT 411Electronics II3
MCT 421Computer Aided Manufacturing2
MCT 431Control Engineering I3
MCT 433Digital Systems and PLCs2
MCT 441Sensors and Actuators2
MCT 461Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing/Computer Numerical Control Machines (CAD/CAM/CNC) Laboratory2
MCT 491Group Project2
Required Ancillary Course
EGR 401Computational Methods3
Total Credit Hours22

Second Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
Major Courses
MCT 482Seminar2
MCT 484Special Topics in Mechatronic Engineering3
Required Ancillary Course
EGR 402Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)10
Total Credit Hours15

Fifth Year

First Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
Major Courses
MCT 511Introduction to Robotics2
MCT 513Process Automation2
MCT 517Automation and Robotics3
MCT 521Vibrations3
MCT 531Control Engineering II3
MCT 533Microcomputers and Microprocessor Systems3
MCT 541Digital Signal Processing2
MCT 561Partial Automation Laboratory2
Electives (Choose only one)
MCT 503Tribology2
MCT 505 Fluid Power Engineering2
MCT 515Mobile Robotics2
MCT 523Micro-Fabrication Technology2
MCT 535Control Engineering III2
MCT 543Machine Vision2
Total Credit Hours22

Second Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
Major Courses
MCT 502Engineering Management and Law2
MCT 514Micro Electromechanical Systems & Very Large Scale Integration (MEMS & VLSI)2
MCT 516Power Electronics and Drives2
MCT 552Computer Software Engineering II2
MCT 554Systems Modeling and Simulation2
MCT 562Full Automation Laboratory2
MCT 592Project6
Electives (Choose only one)
MCT 504Renewable Energy Resources2
MCT 522Lean Production Management & Industrial Logistics2
MCT 532Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems2
MCT 556Computer-Aided Product Modeling2
Total Credit Hours20